Thursday, March 25, 2010

Exercise to not get sick?

An article I recently read talks about how moderate exercise can decrease your chances of becoming sick. For example, the lungs are worked in a way that may expel bacteria from respiratory tracts. While you are exercising, your heart rate will go up which increases the spread of antibodies and white blood cells throughout your body. This directly affects any infections which might be in your body. Exercise also reduces the amount of stress related hormones secreted into the body. The article continues on by discussing how exercise, nutrition, and adequate rest help boost your immune system.

My main advocation is how a healthy lifestyle can increase the quality of your life. The article states that,

"Participation in regular, moderate intensity exercise has been shown to contribute to a lowering of the body's vulnerability to potentially harmful bacteria and viruses."

How does that not make life better? If you aren't sick, you should be grateful. Being sick sucks. It's one of those things you don't truly appreciate till you are sick, then realize how good it was to be well and healthy. Things like regular exercise, a balanced diet, and good sleep all contribute to a better body and mind. Later on, the article tends to go back on what it says by saying too much exercise, or in the wrong environments, can increase your chances of getting sick. No matter what the conditions, exercise can only benefit you and your health. Basically, you don't like getting sick? Exercise.

Conley, Kevin. "Moderate exercise helps boost immune system, research shows." TribLive News (2003): n. pag. Web. 25 Mar 2010.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Like your title and bg (20/20)
    2. Use name of article when introducing
    3. I want to hear more of your opinion not summary.

