Thursday, April 15, 2010

Going Barefoot?

I want to walk around barefoot. In-fact, I plan on doing it eventually. I just read an article entitled "Barefoot Running Laced with Health Benefits" on WebMD. According to the article people who run barefoot or use "special shoes" avoid up to two or three times to impact of the body that people who use shoes. You can actually prevent injuries by going barefoot. Apparently, “By landing on the middle or front of the foot, barefoot runners have almost no impact collision, much less than most shod runners generate when they heel-strike." This makes sense to me, because most marathon runners are always having knee, hip, ankle problems etc... By getting rid of the shoes that have padded your feet your whole life, you strengthen the bone and muscle in your feet and alleviate problems.

I really liked this article. It was very informative on a topic that really interested me. It is crazy to think how these modern comfy shoes are actually ruining our feet. By making things more comfortable for us, they are killing our muscles! The article was fairly short and to the point. Making it an easy and educational read. By learning tips like this, it can help increase productivity in your workouts, and lessen the chance of injury which is always good! Going Green? No, how about Going Barefoot?

Hendrick, Bill. "Running Barefoot Creates Less Collision Force Than Running in Cushioned Shoes, Study Says." WebMD (2010): n. pag. Web. 15 Apr 2010. .

1 comment:

  1. You should read Born to Run this summer. I am now working on going barefoot myself
