Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Key Step-Motivation

I just read a small chapter in Live Young Forever by Jack Lalanne called Step 1: Motivation. Jack states that "Being Motivated is a wonderful gift." In this chapter Jack discusses some tips to help get motivated to living a more healthy lifestyle, in particular to workout nearly everyday. Most people start working out for a couple of days or weeks, then just drop it after realizing that it's not easy. You have to push yourself everyday. He states that every person gets motivated in different ways. Maybe some people need a good kick in the butt military style, while others need a more a encouraging approach. Others may need a more materialistic approach to get that perfect body, or become popular with the opposite gender. Nearly everyone is different on their motivation. The key to being healthy is motivation, and a passion.

I left this post as my last because I believe this to be the most important component to living a healthy lifestyle. If you aren't motivated, then obviously you won't workout and eat healthy therefore inhibiting your ability living healthy. I really enjoyed reading this chapter as it gives a common perspective on why people commonly give up, and different people's needs. It was a fast, short read and packed with information. You always hear about people, especially for a New Year's Revolution, who vow to go to the gym, and eliminate this and that from their diet, and it all falls to the wayside. Why? Because they are not motivated properly, and don't truly know what they want to do. Motivation is the key to everything, not just being healthy.

Lalanne, Jack. Live Young Forever. Toronto, ON: Robert Kennedy Publishing, 2009. 51-59. Print.

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