I just finished watching a video on Youtube entitled "Japans VS. USA, Why Japanese Men and Women Live So Long, Nutrition by Natalie." It is quite clear " Japan has the smallest obesity rate, and longest life expectancy of any country in the world." In the video, the host Natalie explains how the Japanese live so much healthier than we do. Our obesity rate is somewhere in the 30th percentile while Japan's is around 3%. That is an incredible difference, and shows a big comparison between the two countries. Japan's diet consists of many more vegetables and fruits than the average American "fast food" diet. Healthy or natural eating is instituted from an early age over there. The way the culture is, they emphasize health eating and generally smaller portions.
I enjoyed this video. My last video was from Natalie as well, and she knows her stuff. This video explains pretty well the huge gap between the two countries as far as average diet is concerned. One thing that bugged me is that she failed to mention that while Japan is the lowest in the world in obesity, their rates are rising. As more and more American chains move eastward in the world, more people get addicted to the food. McDonald's is actually quite popular in Japan, as well as sweets in general. In the video Natalie makes it seem like the Japanese are the perfect healthy people. Well, they aren't. But as a whole they definitely are. The more we know about how other cultures are with their health, the more we can do and improve our own. It sickens me that these fast food chains continue to spread around the world hooking more people in to their scam for money. Ignorance may be bliss, but it is also death.
"Japan vs. USA Diet, Why Japanesse Men and Women Live So Long, Nutrition by Natalie." Youtube. Web. 15 Apr 2010.
Good job! 50/50